Tuesday, November 1, 2011

up to Halloween.

We've spent the past couple days sanding the fairing smooth, cleaning the hull, and coating with epoxy.  

The orbital sander is awesome!  It wants to go flying every time it touches the wood, so it's a good arm workout trying to control where it goes.  After I had gone over all of the fairing with the orbital sander, Daddy went back by hand to touch up some spots.  We also went ahead and sanded the rest of the bare wood (it had already had some coats of epoxy - it's getting really tough to keep track of how many coats of epoxy each different part of the boat has now.  For example, I think the transom already had two or three coats before we put the frames together, and now it is getting more along with the hull...).  After I vacuumed the boat, we could see that the hand sanding had resulted in some slight gouges, which I went back and smoothed out with the orbital sander.

We must have vacuumed at least four times - have to go back and clean up all the dust after any tiny bit of sanding.  Once the boat was all clean (wiped down after vacuuming, too), we went ahead with a new coat of epoxy.  I rolled it on and Daddy followed to smooth it out - it's amazing how much of a difference smoothing it out with the little foam brush thing makes.  We just used a very thin layer of epoxy so it wouldn't drip or run on us.

All dry and shiny.  Now all of the little imperfections are noticeable!!  

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