Getting the bottom of the boat on was not very exact as you can see, but it worked out well. All we needed was the special pencil to draw the lines for us. But really, we didn't follow any plans to draw the bottom panel, instead after scarfing two pieces of 9 mm ply, we laid a rough cut-out over the frame and drew an outline along the stringers with a flat-sharpened pencil (a normal pointy pencil wouldn't reach into the recess between the stringer and plywood. We left a little wiggle room when we cut it out that we can sand off later. We also decided to make the bottom panel come flush with the edge of the stringer so that it will butt up with the chine panel (the piece between the bottom and the sides), leaving a v-shaped gap at the seam that will be filled with epoxy, rounded off, and fiberglassed. This was our decision since there wasn't any guidance in the plans.

Cutting along the curvy lines...

A view from underneath after the bottom panel has been glued on. Soon the boat might actually float!
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