Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Rest of April

Many small steps have been taken since the lead was poured into the centerboard. Here's a run-down of some of what's been happening in the spare moments we have to work on the boat:

-Sanded and added coats of epoxy to frames, centerboard, and centerboard case.

-Attached hardwood logs to centerboard case. We used black walnut for this; unfortunately it will be hidden within the case. The logs are what make space for the centerboard inside the case.

-Drilled hole for the pivot bolt in the centerboard and case. Filled the hole with epoxy, then redrilled through the epoxy for the bolt. Also drilled a hole in the neck of the centerboard for the rope that will raise/lower the centerboard.

-Designed and cut out a cap for the centerboard case. The Welsford design calls for a cap that is recessed inside the case, but we wanted to have a seat available for rowing, so we are making a cap above the case that will become wider at the aft end to function as a seat. Making this out of curly maple, local wood from Germfask, MI (where I lived when I worked at Seney NWR). The curly maple has a really cool grain pattern - come play cribbage with me, or come see the boat seat when we've sanded and varnished it and you'll understand why it's called curly maple.

-Fiberglassed the leading edge and bottom of the centerboard and the fore walnut log, where the centerboard will touch when it is down.

-Attached more doublers, legs, seat supports, etc to various frames and the transom. Forgot to cut out a couple notches before we glued on the transom doubler and had to go back and chisel out the notches, but it turned out ok.

Now we're just about ready to put together the whole centerboard and case. Once that is done, progress will speed ahead and I do think the boat will start to take a true shape. Pictures to come...

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